This is for lifestyle brands who are ready to take their business to the next level.  I’ll help you expand beyond socials and reach an audience who WANTS exactly what you offer.


All In To Pin is 90 days of Pinterest Marketing and blogging working together to next level your brand.  We collaborate in the beginning and then I take care of the rest!

I work with badass lifestyle brands who are ready to take over the world with their business.  They know they have something special with the brand and aren't going to give up until they're at the top.  They're open minded enough to try something new and expand beyond socials.  They are ready to leave that 9-5 in the dust and do what they were meant to do in this life.


Here we don't blame the algorithm, the moon phases or any outside forces.  We don't even blame ourselves.  Instead, we take massive responsibility for our success. 

Pinterest Marketing and blogging - name a more dynamic duo.  These two work together so well together to drive traffic to your site, raise brand awareness and get people talking about your brand!


Pinterest is the little search engine that could.  When someone wants to find something and they put it in the search bar, Pinterest responds with the answers and even attaches a handy link.  It tells them it knows where they can get what they're looking.  This leads them to your blog!


Blogs do so much for your lifestyle brand!

Need to gain credibility when you're new?  Blogs can help you do that.

Want to stand out in that sea of others in your space?  Blogs can help you do that.

Know that connecting with your audience is key?  Blogs can help you do that.



During this time I get to know your business inside and out so I can properly speak in your tone and voice.  I am studying your social media accounts, websites and offers.  I read your posts to get a feel for your tone.  I am looking at your branding and messaging.  I am taking a crash course on you and your brand.  No one knows your business like you do and you can fill in any blanks.  You’ll also help me hone in on your dream client - no more speaking to the wrong audience.


Once the deep dive is completed, I set up or re-optimize your Pinterest account.  Pinterest will become your 24/7 traffic driving machine.  It’s working all the time to raise brand awareness and get people over to your website! With Pinterest you can expand beyond socials to get in front of people who are actively searching for what you offer!


I’ll also get the blogging ball rolling here.  I’ll give you guidance on setting up your blog so it’s already for posting.  We can brainstorm ideas or you can leave it up to me.  


With this research and set up phase, you have a strong foundation to start getting your name out there, standing out beyond socials and connecting with a new audience who wants what you have!




Now that the foundation has been laid, it’s time to start blogging and then pinning that content! You will have a consistent schedule of fresh pins and blogs which sets the stage for success.  


These blog posts will be specifically crafted to help you gain credibility, trust and connection with your audience on a deeper level.  You’ll have a space that you own (no bans here!) to draw people deeper into the world of your brand and show them why you’re the right choice for them.  


Pinning consistently means your Pinterest presence will grow.  You’re going to start seeing an uptick of traffic and more ideal customers finding you!


Even this early in the game you can expect some initial engagement with your pins and increase in brand visibility as people start to discover you.


MOMENTUM - Weeks 5-12


There is now a continuous bank of valuable content being built up with your blog posts as well as a consistent schedule of fresh pins.  


At the end of the 12th week, any deliverables are handed over (ie pin templates) and we go over your analytics for the first 3 months of your account.  I’ll set you up with a strategy to keep going on your own or we can continue our work together.  Either way, you have a rock solid foundation.  Now is the time to keep going!


By this time, you’re going to see a definite uptick in your website traffic coming from Pinterest.  The platform has learned what you’re all about and serving you up to the right audience.  You’re building trust and familiarity with your audience and they want more of what you have!

Well, you've made it this far down the page and maybe you're wondering who I am.


I'm Mindy and I am obsessed with Pinterest and blogging.  I'm also obsessed with helping women build their dream business.  We are not meant to pay our bills with a soul sucking job.  You've come this far for a reason, let's get you to the top.


I want to help you shout from the (Pinterest and blogging world) rooftops.

If you're ready to book a call and talk, you can do that below.  I'm literally grinning like an idiot thinking about helping you!