Hi, there! I'm Mindy.

It's my goal to help as many women-owned lifestyle brands as I can to stand out beyond socials, connect with their dream audience and make their dream biz a reality.


You've got talents, you've got gifts, you've got something to share.  But what happens when you have no one to share it with?  Or you have followers but they're not your dream client


You make more reels, you post in more Facebook groups, you dance on TikTok but the people you want to connect with aren't beating down your door yet.  What gives?


You want time back from chasing down leads so you can focus on doing what you love.  Even if that means taking a nap because you stayed up too late bingeing Grey's Anatomy (not that I'm speaking from experience or anything...).  


It's time to try something new.  A new place to post your content where people are actually searching for what you offer.  A place brimming with positivity and yes that matters.  Did you know that when people are experiencing positive feelings while searching, they're more likely to trust and buy from brands in that space?  As the life changer you are, it just makes sense you'd want to be there.


That place is Pinterest.  Yup, I said it.  Pinterest. 


You may have been hearing that Pinterest can be great for growing your biz. 

Or maybe you're thinking that it sounds crazy to use Pinterest for marketing.


Wherever you're at, I'm here to tell you that Pinterest is the place to be.  


Why?  Because the pinner's intent is different than social media.  They're not there to doom scroll or be entertained.  When they sit down to the search bar, they have a problem that needs to be solved.  They have questions that need to be answered.  They're there to make a positive change in their life.  Your content gives them that. 


Why are you settling for being served to an audience that doesn't want what you offer?


The best time to start on Pinterest was six months ago.  The next best time is right NOW.

Here's what's in it for you:


  • A fully optimized Pinterest profile including the keyword research.
    • Keyword research is the most important thing you can do for success on Pinterest.  Without it, you're not being put in front of those dream clients.
  • A one hour strategy call with me to go over what's been done and how to move forward on your own to keep building that credibility and making those connections.
    • Credibility and connection is necessary for selling out your programs!
  • Two full weeks of office hours with me.
    • I will be available via Voxxer, email or Slack to answer any questions that come up.  I am not just handing this over and abandoning you.  We are going to make absolute Pinterest magic together!

I can't wait to work with you! Click the button below to start!


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