Do you want to turn your lifestyle brand from a side hustle, maybe someday dream into a hell yes, this is my life moment?


Do you have gifts to share with the world but no audience to share it with?


Are socials bumming you out because you spent hours on a reel that didn't get any views?  Or you're dealing with trolls and harsh judgment from people who just don't get what you're doing?


Speaking of socials, do you have a plan in place in case one is banned or they have outages?


Are you spending your time posting in free Facebook groups but still not getting the traction you want?


Do you constantly feel like you're drowning in a sea of competition?


Are you signing up for more trainings or courses because you think you need them to finally get your business going?


Do you want to connect with dream clients that are actively searching for what you offer?


Are you giving away things for free just so you can feel like you're moving forward?


Do you feel like you're doing something wrong?


Are you close to giving up on your dream?

Imagine reaching an audience full of people whose intent was to better their lives and that's what their searches reflected?  People who sat down and typed into the search bar exactly what you offer.


Imagine going from feeling invisible to feeling like you stand out and shine brightly.  Someone whose content people can not get enough of.


Imagine people feeling confident you're the one they're looking for because you've proven that with your content.


Imagine more eyes on your offers, more traffic to your website and more emails on your list.


Imagine owning your content so you're not worried about social bans.  Your content is safely yours.


Imagine that killer piece of content you made being seen by the right people and not getting lost in a chronological newsfeed.


Imagine filling your email list and reaching people who want to know more about you.


Imagine your content being neatly organized and completely bingeable.

Pinterest Marketing and blogging - name a more dynamic duo.  These two work together so well to get dream clients into your world and then show them who you are and how you can help them.


Pinterest is the little search engine that could.  When someone wants to find something and they put it in the search bar, Pinterest responds with the answers and even attaches a handy link.  It tells them it knows where they can get their problem solved and where to go.  This leads them to your...



Blogs do so much for your lifestyle brand!

Need to gain credibility when you're new?  Blogs can help you do that.

Want to stand out in that sea of others in your space?  Blogs can help you do that.

Want to show off your special sauce, your insight?  Blogs can help you do that.

Know that connecting with your audience is key?  Blogs can help you do that.

In It To Pin It is six weeks.  The whole theme is connection.  The two pieces of the package - Pinterest Marketing and blogging - connect together.  Then together they connect you to and with your dream clients.  The truth is, without that connection, no one is going to invest with you.


The entire first two weeks are devoted to me deep diving into your business.  I study your website, socials and content.  I learn your offers, your packages and your voice.  You fill in any gaps because obviously no one knows your business like you do.  You will also help me hone in on your ideal client because that's who we're targeting.


Once I am armed with that information, it's time to set up a fully optimized Pinterest profile which will attract those dream clients! The ones who want, need and are searching for what you offer.  


Then we move into blogging.  I'm going to craft you a foundation of valuable posts that potential clients can find and consume for years to come!


During the month, I'm creating fresh blog content and pinning fresh daily pins. 


Every single pin and blog post is another entry point into your world.  Let me say that again.  Every single pin and blog post is another chance for someone to find you, love you, resonate with you.  If you're a betting person, this puts the odds more in your favor.

I work with badass lifestyle brands who are ready to take over the world with their business.  They're ready to change lives.  They're open minded enough to try something new and expand beyond socials.  They are ready to leave that 9-5 in the dust and do what they were meant to do in this life.


Here we don't blame the algorithm, the moon phases or any outside forces.  We don't even blame ourselves.  Instead, we take massive responsibility for our success. 

Well, you've made it this far down the page and maybe you're wondering who I am.


I'm Mindy and I am obsessed with Pinterest and blogging.  I'm also obsessed with helping women build their dream business.  We are not meant to pay our bills with a soul sucking job.  If you've been given a gift to share with the world then you should be sharing it. 


I want to help you shout from the (Pinterest and blogging world) rooftops.

Um, are you sure?  Really Pinterest?  I thought it was just for recipes and DIY.

I'm sure! I get it.  Pinterest is with me in the kitchen every night for dinner and I have boards full of bathroom remodel ideas.  It is amazing for these things.  It's also amazing for growing your business! Pinterest is a search engine so it allows pinners to really target their search.  The results it serves up is what they're actually looking for.  

Pinners have a different intent than social media.  They're not doomscrolling.  They're there to make a positive change in their life.  They want answers to their questions and to get their problems solved.  They want to discover and be inspired.  That's what your brand does!

Will In It To Pin It work for me?

I can tell you this for sure - when we work together, I put every ounce of my being into your success.  Together we rise.  I only take a limited amount of people each month because it is so intensive.  I don't ever want my focus too split.  Every one of you is treated like you're the only person I'm working with.  

What happens at the end of the six weeks?

At the end of the six weeks, you've got a solid foundation in both valuable blog content and Pinterest presence.  I truly hope you continue on the Pinterest journey!

When I offboard you, I go over your analytics as well as give you a strategy to go forward and answer any questions you have.  Should you decide you don't want to DIY, I do offer monthly management as well.

How long does it take to be successful on Pinterest?

It can take 3-6 months for real traction on Pinterest.  This shouldn't scare you, the same can be said for a lot of platforms.  In the beginning, Pinterest is feeling you out and giving you a confidence score.  Basically it wants to make sure you're serving up the good stuff.  The more consistently you pin quality pins, the better your score.  

I'm not quite ready for In It To Pin It, can you just help me set up my account?

Absolutely - check out MinPin for that!

If you're ready to build the business of your dreams, I'm here to help you! I understand not everyone loves jumping on a call first thing so feel free to shoot me an email with any questions you have.


If you're ready to book a call and talk, you can do that below.  I'm literally grinning like an idiot thinking about helping you!